
  1. The fact of entering the establishment involves the obligation to respect these rules and the observations of the staff.
  2. The order and decency have to be observed at all time by our customers.
  1. Only persons with a valid entry title (ticket, subscription card) can access the facilities.
  2. Children are welcome from any age but under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult and remain under the responsibility of this person.
  3. It is forbidden for people with contagious skin diseases to attend the establishment.
  4. Persons with background of cardiovascular disease should ask the opinion of their doctor before accessing the facilities. By acquiring or using an
    entry to the swimming pool, the user confirms to be healthy and not violate any medical prescription forbidding access to such establishment.
  5. About the dress code inside Natural Pool & Spa, we remind you that for hygiene reasons and to enjoy the effects of thermal water:
    • It is obligatory to wear a swimsuit.
    • Wearing a swim cap is authorized.
    •  Strings and topless are forbidden.
    •  Do not walk barefoot, use Spa slippers.
  6. Access to facilities is prohibited beyond the opening hours.
  7. Animals are forbidden.
  8. In case of necessity, the use of all or part of the pools may be temporarily prohibited without reduction or refund of the price.


  1. It is obligatory to shower before entering the area of the swimming pools.
  2. Running, jumping, diving, pushing people in the water is prohibited.
  3. It is forbidden to go into the water with bandages.
  4. It is forbidden to play ball.
  5. Silence must be respected, especially in saunas / Turkish bath and resting rooms.
  6. It is forbidden to picnic, to bring drinks or food.
  7. The radios or portable TV and any reproductive tract sounds are prohibited.
  8. It is forbidden to undress or dress out of the cabins, and to deposit your clothes elsewhere than in the lockers.
  9. Shoes and sandals are prohibited outside the locker rooms and shower facilities.
  10. Smoking is forbidden within the facilities.
  11. Any behavior contrary to morals is prohibited (exposure or any other behavior of a sexual nature).
  1. Any damage to facilities will be charged to the user’s responsibility. The center has the right to impose sanctions against the responsible person (for example interdiction to the swimming pool), or even to denounce the person to the competent authorities.
  2. Lockers with a code are kindly made available to users. If forgotten please report at the front desk.


  1. Natural Pool & Spa decline any responsibility in case of accident.


  1. Natural Pool & Spa are not responsible for any theft committed within the establishment.
  2. It is specifically recommended not to leave any valuables in the dressing rooms or in the lockers.
  3. The Lost and Found have to be immediately returned / claimed on receipt of the institution. Natural Pool & Spa reserves the right to dispose of any unclaimed object or effect within 60 days after the loss.
  4. Any person caught in the act of stealing will be reported to the police.
  5. Stolen or lost subscriptions will not be replaced.